Some manufacturers establish a M.A.P. or Minimum Advertised Price to set a minimum price that online resellers can advertise their product. Our relationships with our vendors are very important to us and we adhere to M.A.P. pricing when requested.
As a result you may find other online retailers who choose to violate this policy. In this case we recommend that you use caution. Companies who willingly violate M.A.P. may not have your best interest in mind and are likely to cut corners in other areas as well (selling used equipment as new, selling pirated software, selling knock-off products). In many cases they are not “authorized dealers” and the manufacturer will not honor any warranties if you purchase from an unauthorized dealer.
While manufacturers give resellers permission to sell for whatever price they desire, the advertised price keeps the price integrity of the product intact. If you find a product on our website that requires us to advertise at M.A.P. pricing, contact us to find out if additional discounts are available.
Brands that we carry which have M.A.P. policy
- AME Int'l
- Atlas
- Beta Tools
- Bosch
- CanDo
- Champion
- Cojali
- Fluke
- GoLight
- Jet
- Minimizer
- New Pig
- Noregon
- Robinair
- Simplex
- Stan Design
- Tiger Tool
- War-Lok
- Wilton